First half of 2022
The profit before tax is TDKK 45,781, and is thereby TDKK
29,013 lower than for the same period in 2021.
Development during the quarter
After the publication of the quarterly report for Q1 2022, the
Bank has identified a technical error in the recognition of
accrual of interest receivable. The recognition error was
corrected in Q2 2022. The error has a negative impact of
TDKK 2,760 on the Bank’s interest income and profit before
tax for Q1. The Other assets item of the balance sheet is thus
TDKK 2,760 too high in Q1 2022. The Bank’s customers are
not affected by the error.
The above selected financial highlights and key figures present
the adjusted figures for Q1 2022 and Q2 2022, whereby the
marked items have been corrected for the error between the
The corrected net interest and fee income amounted to TDKK
85,747 in Q1 and to TDKK 82,061 in Q2. The difference
between the quarters is primarily due to periodically higher fee
and commission income in Q1 compared to Q2.
Total costs in Q1 amounted to TDKK 49,197 and in Q2 to
TDKK 48,572. Staff expenses decreased in Q2, since in Q1
holiday allowance, etc. is paid, but is not paid in the subsequent
quarters. Other administrative expenses increased at the same
level in Q1 and Q2.
The profit before value adjustments and write-downs thereby
decreased in Q2, to TDKK 34,903, which is TDKK 3,282 lower
than in Q1 2022. The profit before tax declined in Q2 2022 to
DKK 19.0 million, from DKK 26.8 million in Q1 2022.
Lending increased by TDKK 121,143 in Q1, and by TDKK
104,717 in Q2, which overall corresponds to an increase of
6.0% from the end of 2021. At the start of the year, it was
expected that the favourable economic development in
Greenland would increase the Bank's lending.
Deposits increased by TDKK 178,401 in Q1 2021 and by
TDKK 131,052 in Q2. In overall terms, the increase in deposits
from the end of 2021 thus amounts to TDKK 309,453.
Balance sheet and equity
During the first half-year, the Bank’s lending saw a satisfactory
increase of TDKK 225,860 to TDKK 4,009,541, while the
Bank’s guarantees to customers increased by TDKK 190,931
from the end of 2021 and amounted to TDKK 1,972.396 at
the end of June 2022.
The Bank reduced its holdings of listed shares and funds in the
first half of 2022, and at the end of the period shares, mainly
comprising sector equities, totalled TDKK 117,480.
Other assets amount to TDKK 100,755, having increased by
TDKK 6,957 from the end of 2021.
At the end of June 2022, the Bank’s deposits, predominantly
comprising on-demand deposits, amounted to TDKK
5,673,324, which is an increase of 5.8% from the end of 2021.
After payment of the dividend of TDKK 72,000 for 2021
adopted by the annual general meeting, the Bank's equity was
reduced from TDKK 1,267,911 to TDKK 1,249,277.
Total assets thereby increased by TDKK 317,645 to TDKK
Uncertainty of recognition and measurement
The principal uncertainties concerning recognition and
measurement are related to write-downs on lending, provisions
on guarantees and non-utilised credit facilities, together with
the valuation of properties, unlisted securities and financial
instruments. The management assesses that the presentation of
the accounts is subject to an appropriate level of uncertainty.
Financial risks
The BANK of Greenland is exposed to various financial risks,
which are managed at different levels of the organisation. The
Bank’s financial risks consist of:
Credit risk: Risk of loss as a consequence of debtors’ or
counterparties’ default on actual payment obligations.
Market risk: Risk of loss as a consequence of fluctuation in the
fair value of financial instruments and derivative financial
instruments due to changes in market prices. The BANK of
Greenland classifies three types of risk within the market risk
area: interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk and share risk.
Liquidity risk: Risk of loss as a consequence of the financing
costs increasing disproportionately, the risk that the Bank is
prevented from maintaining the adopted business model due to
a lack of financing/funding, or ultimately, the risk that the Bank
cannot fulfil agreed payment commitments when they fall due,
as a consequence of the lack of financing/funding.