Q1 – Q3 2024
Impairment of loans, etc. amounted to TDKK 15,164,
compared to TDKK 8,253 for the same period of 2023. The
Bank sees continued satisfactory creditworthiness in the loan
portfolio. The impairment level is still modest and the
impairment ratio for the period is 0.2%.
Despite uncertain macroeconomic prospects, including a higher
interest rate level and geopolitical instability, Greenland and the
BANK of Greenland’s customers are not significantly challenged
so far. However, the future economic development is subject
to uncertainty.
In addition to the individual write-downs, on this basis the Bank
has maintained a significant management reserve of DKK 33.7
million to counter risks.
The profit before tax is thereafter TDKK 193,579, and thereby
TDKK 22,755 higher than for the same period of 2023.
Development in the quarter
Net interest and fee income amounted to TDKK 119,629 in
Q1 and TDKK 122,734 in Q2. In Q3, the item amounted to
TDKK 113,509. The development reflects falling interest rates
and pressure on the deposit margin in Q3.
Total costs amounted to TDKK 59,186 in Q1 and TDKK
58,299 in Q2. In Q3, the item amounted to TDKK 56,190. Staff
expenses decreased from Q1 to Q2, and again in Q3, since in
Q1 holiday allowance, etc. is paid, but is not paid in the
subsequent quarters. Other administration costs were by and
large unchanged between the quarters.
The profit before value adjustments and write-downs thereby
decreased in Q3, to TDKK 58,674, which is TDKK 7,077 lower
than in Q2 and TDKK 3,070 lower than in Q1. Profit before
tax increased in Q3 2024 to DKK 73.4 million, from DKK 58.4
million in Q2 and DKK 61.8 million in Q1.
Lending increased by TDKK 78,749 in Q1 and by TDKK
205,578 in Q2, while lending decreased by TDKK 80,403 in
Q3. Overall, this corresponds to an increase of 4.2% from the
end of 2023. At the start of the year, it was expected that the
favourable economic development in Greenland would increase
the Bank's lending, but generally with a lower growth rate than
in previous years.
Deposits increased by TDKK 268,070 in Q1 2024, but
decreased by TDKK 127,656 in Q2. In Q3, deposits increased
by TDKK 378,272, and in overall terms, the increase in deposits
from the end of 2023 is thus TDKK 518,686.
Balance sheet and equity
During the first nine months, the Bank's lending increased
satisfactorily, by TDKK 203,924 to TDKK 5,016,899, while the
Bank’s guarantees to customers decreased by TDKK 364,440
from the end of 2023, and amounted to TDKK 1,409,986 at
the end of September 2024. The Bank has entered into a new
guarantee agreement with DLR Kredit, which entails lower
guarantee provision than before.
During 2024 the Bank acquired five new staff accommodation
properties, increasing the value of domicile properties to TDKK
The Bank's deposits, which predominantly comprise on-
demand deposits, amounted to TDKK 6,932,155 at the end of
September 2024, representing an increase of 8% from the end
of 2023. The Bank continues to have a stable deposit/lending
ratio of approximately 133%.
After payment of the dividend of TDKK 99,000 for 2023
adopted by the Annual General Meeting, the Bank's equity
increased from TDKK 1,479,123 to TDKK 1,553,473.
Total assets thereafter increased by TDKK 215,846 to TDKK
Uncertainty of recognition and measurement
The principal uncertainties concerning recognition and
measurement are related to write-downs on lending, provisions
on guarantees and non-utilised credit facilities, together with
the valuation of properties, unlisted securities and financial
Q3 2021 Q3 2022 Q3 2023 År 2023 Q3 2024
Deposits Lending Guarantees